Thursday, January 31, 2013

This Week in Espanol (Jan. 31st)

Estimados Padres,

Today we finished our self introduction unit. The children should now be able to introduce themselves in Spanish and answer the question "Como te llamas (What is your name)?"

Occasionally, preschool children have the tendency to repeat the question "Como te llamas" instead of answering by saying their name. The best resolution to this is practice! Ask them, "Como te llamas?" and if they are silent or repeat the question, tell them to say "Me llamo _______." Once they have it right, ask again 3-4 more times and praise them when they answer correctly.

We did a craft today- Me llamo masks. On the back part of the stick it says "Me llamo _____" and the child's name. They turned out great!

The children decorated them and we added wiggle eyes, a button nose and yarn for hair. I told them the body parts in Spanish and had them say the words several times. Although we are not officially learning body parts right now, it never hurts to incorporate more Spanish because sometimes they remember!

Each child also got to pick what color hair he/she wanted. We said the colors in Spanish and they had to tell me which color they wanted in Spanish.

You can practice the body parts with your child at home by asking him/her to point to the body part and you say it in Spanish. Start with one or two and when they have those down, move on to others. You can even play "Simon Says!"

Today's Focus Words:
Negro (Black)
Amarillo (Yellow) ah-ma-ree-yoe
Cafe (Brown) cah-fay
Eyes (Ojos) oh-hose
Nose (Nariz) na-reese
Pelo (Hair) pay-loe

January General Vocabulary: (words we used last week and this week- this list will grow)

Hola (Hello)
Adios (Good-bye)
Como te llamas? (What is your name) ko-mo-tay-ya-mus
Me llamo (My name is) may ya mow
Maestra (Teacher)
Mono (Monkey)
Espanol (Spanish)
Salta (Jump)
Silencio (Quiet)
Manos arriba (hands up)
Baila (dance) bye-lah
Hasta luego (see you later)
Listos? (ready)
Rojo (red)
Azul (blue)

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