Thursday, January 10, 2013

This Week in Espanol (Jan. 10th)

January 12, 2012

Estimados Padres (Dear Parents),

This week in Spanish we are focusing on our greetings unit for January. Our focus for the month will be learning to greet others and introduce oneself in Spanish.

The children met the class puppet, Senor Mono and introduced themselves to him in Spanish. We also practiced saying "Gracias" whenever I gave them something (a name tag, maracas, stickers, etc.).

We danced to a song where we count to 10 in Spanish and then follow a command. Today's command was "salta" which means "jump."

Finally, some groups started on a book called "Say Hola to Spanish." This is one of my favorite books and is great for ages 4-5. It is in English but introduces many Spanish words and has wonderful pictures. If you know a little Spanish, it would be a good book to read to your child. It is available at the public library as well as here on Amazon.

Also, see this cute video that reinforces self introduction in Spanish (lyrics below). Show it to your child as many times as they will bear to watch it!

Hola como te llamas, (Hello what's your name)
Hola como te llamas,
Hola como te llamas
Me llamo Miguel  (My name is Miguel)

Me llamo Javier, (My name is Javier
Me llamo Javier,
Mucho gusto (Nice to meet you)
Podemos ser amigos (We can be friends)
Te llamas Miguel (Your name is Miguel)
Me llamo Javier (My name is Javier)

Parent Tip:

Throughout the class I throw in many Spanish words. The best way to learn a foreign language is through repetition, so I use the words as often as possible. The more your child hears these words, the better! So feel free to throw in any of these words that you feel comfortable using at home. It is fun to throw in "gracias" when your child gives you something and have them say back "de nada" and vice versa.

We also have focus words each week. These are phrases that I plan to focus on each week so I use those words more than the other general Spanish vocabulary. In addition, I have the children say the focus words as much as possible throughout the class.

At the preschool age, I do not recommend flashcards or rote memorization- usage is the best way to encourage language with them.

Please see our general vocabulary and focus words for today:

Today's Focus Words:

Me llamo- My name is (may-ya-mow)
Hola- Hello (oh-lah)
Gracias- Thank you (gra-see-us)

January General Vocabulary: (words we used today- this list will grow)

Hola (Hello)
Adios (Good-bye)
Como te llamas (What is your name)
Maestra (Teacher)
Mono (Monkey)
Espanol (Spanish)
Salta (Jump)
Silencio (Quiet)

Hasta la proxima semana! (Until next week)

Senora Mellor
Best Amigos Preschool Spanish

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