Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Feliz Octubre! Happy October! Spanish Class Update.

Estimados Padres (Dear Parents),

It is hard to believe that October is already here!

See below for some of the things I have planned for Spanish classes for the month of October!


We will be learning "La Arana Pequenita" in Spanish (The Itsy Bitsy Spider). Our version is sung by Jose Luis Orozco and he does a traditional version with a little bit of a twist!

We will also sing a counting song called "Cinco Calabazas" (Five Pumpkins).


Our monthly opposites will be "big" and "little." In addition to our opposites train that we do on the way to class, we will be using Spanish to compare things that are big or little as well as using those words in "The Itsy Bitsy Spider."


Our monthly colors will be "black" and "orange."


We will be counting pumpkins and spiders. How far they count varies from child to child. Some children who took Spanish already can count further than others, so in addition to our group counting/singing I work with each child to get them a little further than they can already count.


We will be making "Itsy Bitsy Spider Puppets" to go along with the song. We will also be making a play-dough spider as well as doing an orange and black sorting craft. We will also finish our "All About Me" project that we started in September.


We will focus on answering the question "Como Te Llamas" which means "What is your name?"


Below are some of the focus words that your child will be hearing this month in Spanish. See your weekly parent e-mail to know which days we use these words, as it can vary from class to class. By the end of the month, your child should know at least a few of these words and some children may know all of them!

Grande- Big (gron-day)
Pequeno- Little (pay-kane-yoe)
Arana- Spider (ah-ran-ya)
LLuvia- Rain (you-vee-ah)
El Sol- Sun (el sole)
La Calabaza- Pumpkin (la ca-la-ba-sah)
Las Hojas- Leaves (oh-has)
Negro- Black (neh-groe)
Anaranjado- Orange (ah-na-ran-ha-doe)
Como te llamas- What's your name? (koe-moe-tay-ya-mas)
Me llamo- My name is (may-ya-moe)
Mira- Look! (mee-rah)
Octubre- October (ock-too-bray)

As always, feel free to contact me at or by phone at 231-3514 anytime!

Senora Mellor
Best Amigos Spanish

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