Thursday, October 17, 2013

La Arana Pequenita- The Itsy Bitsy Spider

In the next few weeks of Spanish class we will be learning the Itsy Bitsy Spider in Spanish.

Although many English Speakers know this song, it is also widely known across Latin America, too.

There are various versions with slightly different wording. I enjoy teaching this song because it offers an opportunity to learn some common words (spider, sun, rain, climbed) and also a chance to learn the opposites big/little.

It also addresses the diminutive (fancy grammar word for "making things little) in Spanish. In Spanish you can add "ito" or "ita" to the end of many words to turn it into little bitty.


Pequena= Small
Pequenita= Little Bitty

Hermano= Brother
Hermanito= Little Brother

We are singing the Jose Luis Orozco version of La Arana Pequenita, which is really cute and very colorful. However, here is a different version that I found on Youtube. It is simple but also cute and uses some of our vocabulary. Show the video to your child as a visual aid to what we do in class!


La Arana Pequenita       The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Tejio Su Telarana          Sewed his web
Vino La Lluvia               Along came the rain
Y Se La Llevo               And carried him away
Salio El Sol                    Out came the sun
Y Todo Se Seco            And dried everything up
Y La Arana Pequenita   And the itsy bitsy spider
Subio, Subio, y Subio    Climbed, Climbed and climbed.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Cancion- Cinco Calabazas (Song- Five Pumpkins)

Cinco calabazas on a sunny day
Along comes ________ and carries one away. (take one away each time)

Now how many pumpkins are there? (child answers in Spanish). If you know and would like to use more Spanish, you can ask this question in Spanish: "Ahora, cuantas calabazas hay?

Cuatro calabazas on a sunny day.
Along comes _______ and carries one away.........

Tres- 3
Dos- 2
Una- 1 (feminine since calabaza is feminine)
Ninguna- none

Continue until there are no pumpkins left.

In the blank, you can insert any person or word. Sometimes I use each child's name in the class and let them carry a pumpkin away when I call their name and answer how many are left. You could use your name, your child's name or any other word you think of!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Feliz Octubre! Happy October! Spanish Class Update.

Estimados Padres (Dear Parents),

It is hard to believe that October is already here!

See below for some of the things I have planned for Spanish classes for the month of October!


We will be learning "La Arana Pequenita" in Spanish (The Itsy Bitsy Spider). Our version is sung by Jose Luis Orozco and he does a traditional version with a little bit of a twist!

We will also sing a counting song called "Cinco Calabazas" (Five Pumpkins).


Our monthly opposites will be "big" and "little." In addition to our opposites train that we do on the way to class, we will be using Spanish to compare things that are big or little as well as using those words in "The Itsy Bitsy Spider."


Our monthly colors will be "black" and "orange."


We will be counting pumpkins and spiders. How far they count varies from child to child. Some children who took Spanish already can count further than others, so in addition to our group counting/singing I work with each child to get them a little further than they can already count.


We will be making "Itsy Bitsy Spider Puppets" to go along with the song. We will also be making a play-dough spider as well as doing an orange and black sorting craft. We will also finish our "All About Me" project that we started in September.


We will focus on answering the question "Como Te Llamas" which means "What is your name?"


Below are some of the focus words that your child will be hearing this month in Spanish. See your weekly parent e-mail to know which days we use these words, as it can vary from class to class. By the end of the month, your child should know at least a few of these words and some children may know all of them!

Grande- Big (gron-day)
Pequeno- Little (pay-kane-yoe)
Arana- Spider (ah-ran-ya)
LLuvia- Rain (you-vee-ah)
El Sol- Sun (el sole)
La Calabaza- Pumpkin (la ca-la-ba-sah)
Las Hojas- Leaves (oh-has)
Negro- Black (neh-groe)
Anaranjado- Orange (ah-na-ran-ha-doe)
Como te llamas- What's your name? (koe-moe-tay-ya-mas)
Me llamo- My name is (may-ya-moe)
Mira- Look! (mee-rah)
Octubre- October (ock-too-bray)

As always, feel free to contact me at or by phone at 231-3514 anytime!

Senora Mellor
Best Amigos Spanish

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Song- Me Gusta Bailar Rapido y Tranquilo

Here is a fun song to dance to with your child! It goes along with our September Theme of 
"Lo Que Me Gusta" (What I Like).

You can play it like a freeze game- when the music stops, everyone freezes! It gets faster and faster (mas rapido) until the end. Lyrics are below :

A mi me gusta bailar,            I Like to Dance
Me gusta bailar tranquilo      I Like to Dance Calmly/Slow
A mi me gusta bailar             I Like to Dance
Y Nunca quiero parar          And I never want to stop

(song repeats until the end)

A la derecha                          To the right
A la izquierda                         To the left
Para adelante                         To the front
Para atras                              To the back

Y Nunca Quiero Parar            And I never want to stop
Y Nunca Quiero Parar            And I never want to stop

This Week in Espanol- Preschool Class September Week 1

Estimados Padres,

Bienvenidos al Espanol (Welcome to Spanish)!

This month in Spanish our theme is "Lo Que Me Gusta," which means "What I Like." The children will be focusing on self introduction, greetings and expressing their likes and dislikes.

Each class we start off with a brief circle time which normally includes a mixture of counting, songs and practicing general courtesy. Today the children practiced greeting others and introducing themselves in Spanish. They were awarded maracas for successfully greeting the class and saying their name in Spanish.

We did a freeze dance to a song called "Me Gusta Bailar Rapido y Tranquilo," which means "I Like to Dance Fast and Slow." It's a cute song and you click to see it. I encourage you to play it for your child. I included the lyrics in case you are curious :)

I brought in some fruits and vegetables and they had to tell me "Si Me Gusta" (Yes I Like It) if they liked that fruit/vegetable. Some students even learned to say "No Me Gusta," which means "No, I don't like it!" I sent home a coloring page that they can color. They do not have to know all the fruit/vegetable words right now but I included them for your reference in case you'd like to use those words at home. I recommend using the sheet as a discussion piece with your child. You can point to a fruit/vegetable and say "Si Me Gusta" and then have your child do the same.

Finally, they got to feed my monkey pet, Senor Mono, at the end of class as a reward. I also sent them home with a special "paleta" (lollipop) from Mexico.

Each week I use lots of words in Spanish but we generally have one or two words/phrases that I focus on. These are my focus words, or goal words that I hope the children really pick up on. If you are ever able to incorporate these words at home, it really helps their retention! Please do not feel the need to quiz your child or force them to memorize words. Just use the word in it's normal context- if you see a banana you could replace banana with "platano." (Example, "Do you want el platano or las uvas for snack?"). As the year goes on I will give you more ways to use Spanish at home.

This Week's Focus Words:

Si Me Gusta (Yes I Like It) see-may-goose-tah
Hola (Hello) oh-la

Other Vocabulary:

Me llamo (My name is) may-ya-mow
El Platano (Banana) pla-tah-noe
La Sandia (Watermelon) san-dee-ah
La Manzana (Apple) mahn-sa-nah
Las Uvas (Grapes) ooh-vas
La Zanahoria (Carrot) san-ah-ore-ee-ah

Hasta la proxima semana! (Until next week),

Senora Mellor
Best Amigos Spanish

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

After School Spanish Club


By request, I am now offering after-school Spanish classes for elementary-age students!

These classes will be weekly 45 minute lessons that incorporate music, movement, games, incentives and art to help children learn Spanish.

If you know of a program or location that might wish to host classes, please let me know. It also never hurts for you to put in a mention about the program to the after-school director or principal so they know that parents are interested. This is a great way for schools to offer foreign language without pulling from their own school budget. Studies do show that early childhood is a great time to learn a second language for many reasons- improved math abilities as well as enhanced critical thinking and English skills. You can read more about this from Wake Forest University here.

As of right now, Noah's Ark After School Program is on board. I will provide updates on where the program will be offered as I have more information.

As always, gracias por su apoyo (thanks for your support)!

Senora Mellor
Best Amigos Spanish

Thursday, May 16, 2013

This Week in Espanol (May 16)

Estimados Padres,

We are fast approaching the end of Spanish!

Noah's Ark did not have Spanish today due to end of the year rehearsal for their school recital.

This week in Spanish class we practiced some new opposites as well as reviewed others. Our review was "night" and "day" and we also learned "hot" and "cold." The children had to tell me items that were hot or cold, using the Spanish words.

We also played a fun traditional Mexican game/song called "Vibora de la Mar." (Sea snake). We talked about the word for snake in Spanish and they acted out being a snake. We made a long line forming a snake and formed a bridge using myself and one other child. I sang the song and at the end of the song one child gets caught under the bridge!

This is a well known children's song in Mexico and also a game that is played at weddings. It can get kind of crazy sometimes! Usually the person at the end falls down (we did not do that in class) :)

See Youtube videos below (good for your child to see):

Children Dancing to Vibora de la Mar

Adults Playing the Wedding Game Vibora de la Mar

If you want some great entertainment, search the following on You Tube (Caidas en la vibora de la mar- Falls during Vibora de la Mar). You will see many Mexican weddings!

Focus Words:

Hot: Caliente (ca-lee-in-tay)
Cold- Frio (free-oh)
Night- Noche (no-chay)
Day- Dia (dee-ah)
Snake- Vibora (vee-bore-ah)

Words to Song:

A la víbora, víbora                  To the snake, snake
de la mar, de la mar                 Of the sea, of the sea
por aquí pueden pasar              You can pass through here
Los de adelante corren mucho  Those in front run fasta
y los de atrás se quedarán     Those in the back get left behind
tras, tras, tras, tras.                Behind, Behind, Behind


Senora Mellor
Best Amiogos Preschool Spanish