Thursday, February 28, 2013

This Week in Espanol (Feb. 28th)

Estimados Padres,

This week in Spanish we focused on two opposite words- big and little. We also reviewed the Spanish word for "happy"- contento. We sang "If you're happy and you know it" in Spanish (Si tu estas contento). We reviewed some commands such as "clap," "stomp" and "shout hurray!"

Today I introduced the Spanish ABC song, which is called "El Abecedario." We will be singing it each week. The tune is different than the English ABC song and with the older children I discussed how there are extra letters in the Spanish ABCs.

We did a craft today with happy face stickers. The children had to sort them into the right column for grande (big) and pequeno (little). When they were done, I worked with them individually on their counting and also had them say the colors in Spanish.

Focus Words:

Contento (happy)
Grande (big) gron-day
Pequeno (little) pay-kane-yo
Estoy contento (I'm happy)

At Home Practice Idea:

Ask your child to name you animals that are "grande" (big).
Ask your child to name you animals that are "pequeno" (small/little).

*You could also hold up photos of animals or objects and ask "Es grande o pequeno?" (Is it big or little).

Next week (March 7th) will be our final class for the Winter Session. Payment of $72 will be due for the Spring Session. Checks can be made to "Best Amigos Preschool Spanish."

We will conclude the Spring with a Spanish recital in May. I will get you the dates of your school's recital as soon as I have confirmed with each school director.

Hasta la proxima semana!

Senora Mellor

Thursday, February 21, 2013

This Week in Espanol (Feb. 21st)

Estimados Padres,

This week in Spanish we learned the Spanish word for happy (contento). Many of you know feliz, which also means happy but in our song that we sing with the CD the word "contento" is used, so we learned that word today.

We focused on the word "happy" but we also discussed the words for "sad" and "mad." The children made faces to match each emotion. We sang the song "If you're happy and you know it" in Spanish with music.

We also read a book "Ocho Monitos" or Eight Little Monkeys. It reviewed counting and number recognition, as well as repetition of phrases in Spanish (no mas monos= no more monkeys).

For our weekly counting, we counted to 13 in Spanish. I also incorporated colors as the topic arose (I let the children pick which colors they want and they have to tell me in Spanish).

Focus Words:

contento (happy)
monos (monkey)
no mas (no more)

Other Vocabulary:

triste (sad) tree-stay
enojado (mad) in-oh-ha-doe
once (eleven) on-say
doce (twelve) dose-say
trece (thirteen) trace-say

At Home Practice Idea:

Have your child make different faces for each emotion. Tell them to show you a "contento" face or "triste" face. You can also ask them to say the words as they make that face.

Hasta la proxima semana (Until next week)!

Senora Mellor
Best Amigos Preschool Spanish

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Random Spanish Phrase of the Week

I am doing a new feature starting this week. Each week I will post a random Spanish phrase that you can incorporate at home with your child if you choose. Or it can just be a phrase that you learn for your own knowledge!

This week's phrase:

Sientate (see-in-tah-tay)

Sit Down

(emphasis on the "in" syllable)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

This Week in Espanol (Feb. 7th)

Estimados Padres,

This week in Spanish we learned some Valentine's Vocabulary. We practiced counting with hearts and learned the word for "heart" in Spanish. The children counted sticky hearts and stuck them to the wall or table as they counted in Spanish. I asked them "Cuantas corazones," which means "How many hearts?"

We also began learning the song "I love you" from Barney in Spanish (see videos below). At the end of Spanish, each child had to give our puppet, Senor Mono, a heart and tell him I love you in Spanish.

Focus Words:

Heart- Corazon (core-ah-sown)
Hearts- Corazones (core-ah-sown-es)
I love you- Te Quiero (tay key- arrow)

I sent home an activity sheet with hearts that you can do with your child. They have to count the hearts. Encourage him/her to count in Spanish. Usually, if you start off with "uno" they will continue to count in Spanish. You can ask him/her "Cuantas corazones?" which means, "How many hearts"


I have two videos for you this week. They are of the same song but one is from the TV show Barney and the other is of a little boy singing the song. You can play both for your child and see which he/she likes better. It is interesting- I have found that young children love watching other children sing and talk, even if the singing isn't the best!

Song Lyrics:

Te Quiero Yo y Tu a mi (I love you and you love me)
Somos una familia feliz (We are a happy family)
Con un fuerte brazo (With a great big hug)
Y un beso te dire (And a kiss I will give you)
(The last line varies depending on how you sing it)

Mi carino yo te doy (My love and care I give to you) *Barney says this
Mi carino te dire (My love I will give to you)*The little boy says this

At Home Activity: Tell your child I love you in Spanish! You can say it as much as you want- before leaving in the morning, before going to bed, etc. Ask him/her to say it back to you!