Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2013 Winter Registration Begins

Hola a todos (Hello to all)!

I am excited to announce that registration has started for 2013 Winter Spanish classes. I sent blue registration forms home with each child in mid-December. All parents should have received one but if you did not, extra forms are available at the front office of your child's school.

Winter classes will start on Thursday, January 10th and run for 9 weeks. Normally sessions last ten weeks but due to my maternity leave this fall I was not able to fit 10 weeks into the Winter and Spring sessions. Classes are only $8 each, and include all materials for crafts, weekly updates, and a performance at the end of the year. There is NO registration fee.

Trial classes were held on December 21st at Noah's Ark and Children's Learning Center at New Hanover Health Network. All of the children seemed to be having a great time! Since it was close to Christmas, our theme was "Feliz Navidad." The children were introduced to (and introduced themselves in Spanish to) "Senor Mono," the class monkey puppet and learned the meaning of "Feliz Navidad" and sang the song in Spanish.

I am looking forward to 2013 and would like to bid everyone a "Feliz Ano Nuevo" (Happy New Year). If you have any questions regarding registration for the Winter Session, do not hesitate to contact me via email at:

Senora Mellor